Monday, May 17, 2010

3-D Double D's??

Has Hugh Hefner taken it too far or is he just keeping up with the 3D craze (ie. Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, etc)?

This months Playboy magazine showcases Hope Dworaczyk in a three dimensional pictorial. Having seen said photograph after an embarrassing trip to Barnes & Noble...I have to say...slightly disappointed. The photo of Hope was...don't get me wrong...gorgeous but the 3D was less than exciting.

I think that Hef should have invested a little more in the development of the 3D photograph because of the quality. I even had a few guy friends judge it and they asked, "you sure it's in 3D?"

Although it did create a nice buzz for the Playboy brand, they have lost significant circulation since 2006 (3.5 million) to only 1.5 million today. This could be a step in the right direction.

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